Recycled Candle Jar Flower Arrangement

Hello friends!  I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the winter weather! It has been a snowless winter so far here in Maryland and although it's been mild, it has been gloomy and rainy. On gloomy days, I really need a little pick-me-up and fresh flowers always do the trick for me!

Today, I'm going to show you a simple tutorial on how to make a flower arrangement with a recycled candle jar.  The silver jar was from Bath and Body Works and held one of my favorite Christmas candles. The gold jar is from Homegoods.  Both are so pretty that I didn't want to toss them and so I decided to repurpose them by adding flowers to them.  I will also admit my hubby was making fun of me for hanging on to these so I decided to prove to him that I really would use them again!  

Here is what you'll need:

Flowers (I picked mine up from a local grocery store), wet foam (from any hobby store), scissors (for cutting flowers), a knife (for cutting foam), a container and only 10 minutes of your time! (That's really all you'll need!)

Here are the steps:

1. Remove wax from jar by putting it in the freezer for 10 min. Use a knife to pop it out.  

2. Cut the foam to fit into container. 

It's important to fill the container with water so that your foam is wet before you add flowers.  You will know you have enough water when you can put your finger imprints into the foam.

3.  Start cutting flowers to the size you want them.  I recommend a taller flower in the middle and work down from there.

Continue to clip flowers and stick them in the foam working your way around the container so that flowers begin to fill in empty spaces.  

4.  Fill in any holes with more greenery.  I used the leaves from the cut stems but you can also fill in with other flowers, baby's breath or other types of greenery which would be lovely.

Here's another arrangement that I put together for guests who are staying at our Airbnb.  It looked a bit bare after I used all the flowers, so I went into the backyard and cut some evergreens to use as filler.  Sometimes you just have to use what you have and make it work!

5.  Add water periodically to the arrangements and you'll notice that they will last longer than if you kept them in a vase. These also make great gifts!  Enjoy!

Recycled Candle Jar Flower Arrangement

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Flowers are a great way to bring a little cottage charm into your home. I hope you'll try this and send me pics of YOUR finished product.  I would love to see what you create!  

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